Mental Health During Pregnancy


Mental Health During Pregnancy

Mental Health During Pregnancy – Every pregnant woman must pay attention to her overall health, both physically and mentally. Not a few women are still working when they are pregnant, so this can cause stress which is not good for keeping the mind healthy. However, what is the importance of maintaining mental health during pregnancy? Is there a significant impact can occur on the fetus? Here's the review!

Avoid Bad Effects By Maintaining Mental Health When Pregnant

Pregnancy can cause a number of side effects, such as morning sickness, backache, varicose veins, and others. This, too, can affect a woman's feelings about pregnancy. In fact, it can also lead to worry about the future, especially if the pregnancy was unplanned. These worries can affect relationships to the point of causing stress that has a negative impact on mental health.

Some mental problems that may occur are related to worry, namely depression, which is also known as perinatal anxiety. According to Perinatal Anxiety and Depression Australia (PANDA) , one in ten women experience depression during pregnancy. If you experience this problem, it is important to maintain mental health during pregnancy by getting support and treatment to keep the baby healthy.

Mental Health When Pregnant
Mental Health When Pregnant

There are two reasons that all pregnant women are advised to have their mental health checked, namely:

  • Prenatal depression and anxiety are disorders that can pose a high risk factor for causing postpartum or postpartum depression. Therefore, early examination is important to do.
  • One in three women will still experience prenatal depression even if their child is in school if they do not receive medical help. For this reason, it is important to get a mental examination so that help can be given immediately and feelings of depression can be avoided.

Not only that, mental health that occurs after giving birth or postpartum, can also be worse when parenting a baby. This can be because the mother still feels post-natal pain, doesn't get enough sleep, is tired of the new routine, and is still worried about being a good mother or not. In addition, mothers may find it difficult to find time for themselves.

Maybe you've heard of the baby blues? namely the changes that occur after giving birth, so that it makes women surprised by it. It was revealed that 80 percent of women are still very sensitive, irritable, often look moody, and feel tired after giving birth. This often occurs between the third and 10th day postpartum.

The Right Time to Get Help To Maintain Mental Health During Pregnancy

So, when is the right time to get help to maintain mental health during pregnancy? If you're feeling anxious or tired easily during pregnancy, it's a good idea to get help from a medical professional. During a gynecological examination with a doctor, you can also tell everything you feel, even about mental problems. Thus, it is hoped that support can be provided and even get referrals so that disturbances that occur can be addressed properly.

Some pregnant women find relief just by telling the other person how they feel, especially when the other person says it's okay. A number of strategies can also be offered to help manage feelings and worries. If you have feelings of depression, it is better to immediately get an examination through a psychologist. Medications should not be taken carelessly during pregnancy or breastfeeding.
